Multigrain Sprouted Health Mix
Published on Fri Jul 09, 2021
Thinnam H2S Sprouted nutrient flour is made up of 25+ whole and multi- grains (traditional rice varieties such as Black rice, red rices, millets, legumes and nuts ) that are traditionally processed and germinated home-made. Sprouted pulses with a higher proportion of proteins, fiber, minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin D.Sprouting helps in easy absorption of nutrients and maintains gut health.

1. Thinnam H2S contains healthy fats, proteins,carbs give energy and boosts immunity.
2. Prevent pre-mature ageing, fights diabetes and help protect our body from cancer causing agents.
3. Detoxify our body and boost the oxygen level.
4. Improves absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body, provides better digestion.
5. The nutrients include folate, iron, vitamin C,zinc, magnesium and protein.

Method of preparation:
Easily cooked like porridge.
1.Mix 3 tbsp of thinnam H2S sprouted whole and multigrain health mix with 1 cup of water without lumps
2. Add this mixture to 1 cup of boiling water and stir well.
3. Add milk to that and serve with honey or palm sugar.
* Variation: Add salt and buttermilk insteadof milk.

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