Published on Tue Jul 20, 2021Overview: Almonds are the perennial nutritious food. Almonds are considered more on brain health..Almonds are full of Vitamin E which actually preserves memory for longer boosting alertness.Vitamin E is known to be a retardant of the onset of dementia diseases like Alzheimer’s.They are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.Almonds are full of magnesium. This improves overall neural health,by keeping the nerves well connected.The poly unsaturated fats release serotonin, which improve sleep quality. Almonds are very good crunchy snack instead of chocolates and other stuffs.They also give a very good result in the skin and hair health.This also helps to improve the memory power.
Benefits: 1.Almonds are a fantastic source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect against oxidative stress, which can damage molecules in your cells,aging and diseases like cancer. 2. Almonds are rich in Vitamin E which helps in improving the memory power and also retards from Alzheimer’s disease. 3. Soaked almonds aid your digestion by releasing lipase, a enzyme which helps in proper digestion. 4. Nuts are low in carbs but high in healthy fats, protein and fiber. 5. magnesium in almonds may help lower blood pressure levels. 6. Almonds are low carbs and high protein, fiber rich food.Protein and fiber increase feelings of fullness, and this helps in weight loss. 7. Reduces the bad cholesterol levels in the body.
Nutritional Value: (based on 100g) Energy.......................................579kcal Protein.........................................21.15 g Fat.................................................49.93 g Carbohydrate................................21.55 g Fiber...............................................12.50 g Sugar.............................................4.35 g Calcium.........................................269 mg Iron................................................3.71 mg Magnesium....................................270 mg Phosphorous..................................481 mg Potassium......................................733 mg Vitamin E.........................................25.63 mg
Cookery: Almond cake Almond Milk Almond cookies Can be used in garnishing the sweets.
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