Castor Oil
Published on Tue Jul 13, 2021
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Castor oil is odor less oil which has high density and it is taken from the seed of the castor plant(amanakku ) in Tamil.India is the largest producer of castor oil.Due to its laxative property it is used in both domestic and commercial purposes.It also has anti-inflammatory properties and ability to induce labour. because of it potency it is not much used in food.

1. Castor oil is mostly used to stimulate digestion, relieving temporary constipation.
2. Castor oil’s ricinoleic acid reduces swelling and pain caused by inflammation.
3. Castor oil’s fatty acids are natural humectants, substances used to moisturize the skin by preventing water loss.
4. Its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial property fights against the fungal infection on skin.
5. Half spoon can be added in dhal , Karakuzhambu to avoid gastric problems.
6. Used externally for cramps and to reduce the body heat.

1. Pregnant women can avoid castor oil as it induces labour.
2. Regular consumption is not advisable


Nutritional Facts: (based on 100g)

Energy 877Kcal
Total Fatty Acid 99.90gm
Saturated Fatty Acid 33.96gm
Polyunsaturated Fat 25.57gm
Monounsaturated Fat 40.77gm
Cholesterol 0
Sodium 122.8mg

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